Leslie Shipley Yoga
Leslie Shipley's Inside Out Yoga Center 760-607-9800 leslie@insideoutyogacenter.com
Update: Survive and Thrive workshop will be coming to Sahaurita Arizona in Jan or Feb of 2016, date tbd. If you are interested and would like to be notified when a date is scheduled, please write us at info@insideoutyogacenter.com
Survive and Thrive
Trauma Informed Yoga Training for Yoga Teachers and Health Professionals
This class is for RYT 200+ yoga teachers and mental health professionals with a yoga practice who would like to bring yoga into their workplace. Informed by research, enriched by hands-on experience, this training will provide you with the specific protocol parameters to help those with PTSD and other complex trauma. This is a therapy proven to be an effective adjunct treatment (see research from Trauma Center Brookline, MA http://www.traumacenter.org/products/publications.php)If you are working with (or interested in working with...) combat veterans, homeless, victims of domestic violence, at-risk youth and others challenged by trauma... this is the training that will bring the missing piece into your work.
Your trainer is Leslie Shipley, MA, HHP, RYT. 28 years of teaching yoga, 11 years working with trauma.
See her bio HERE.
Spring Session, 2014May 16, 6:00-9:00pm
May 17 10:30- 5:30
May 18 10:00 - 5:00
Yoga class at 9:00 on Saturday is included but not required, A 15 minute shared silent meditation will be offered but not required on Sunday at 10:00am
15 CEU's , recognized by Yoga Alliance
$295 If paid by Apr 30th, $350 thereafter. PTSD and other trauma survivors and immediate family are eligible for a discount. Contact us for details.
This is a stand alone course and is also required as a level I course for those seeking certification in Trauma Sensitive Yoga. An additional 30 hours of face to face learning plus practicum and outside study for a total of 75 hours will comprise the program. Remaining 30 hours will be in fall 2014, dates TBA and will publish by May. Please write us to indicate your interest so we can contact you when the schedule becomes available and you can reserve your spot in this class if you choose. Emailleslie@pathofactionyoga.com with any questions.
Become a Yoga Teacher 200 Hour RYT
...dedicated to yoga as movement therapy, and to a life of service and humility.